<script type="text/javascript">(function($){
$.fn.cursorMessage=function(options){//Gives the users the abilty to overwrite a value for one of the options
options = $.extend({
text :'Loading',
textcolor :'#333333',
background :'#f9f9f9',
top :'',
left :'',
remove :false}, options);returnthis.each(function(){//Create the message and add some CSS to it
$('<div id="cursormessage"></div>').css({
color : options.textcolor,
backgroundColor : options.background}).text(options.text).appendTo('body');var message = $('#cursormessage');//make the message stick to the cursor
display :'block',
top : e.pageY-5,
left : e.pageX15});});});};}(jQuery));</script>
//Call the plugin like so
<script type="text/javascript">
text :'Loading this...'});//execute your own jquery function//and delete the message afterwards